Very excellent week here, I only have 2 more week here in the good old CCM and 1 day until I hit the one month mark, haha. Time flies!!!
I had a very spiritual saturday proselyting with Elder LeBaron from Huntington Beach, it was so rad. We just talked about surfing and camping and stuff on the bus ride to our area. He is in the latino district so he was super good with the language. When we got there, we got paired up with this 15 year old native who guided us around this area, it mustve looked like from someone elses perspective that we looked like a bunch of 13 year old kids, except the 15 year old had a moustache haha. Where is my moustache growing ability!! Anyways, we were in the complete slums of Lima Sur. It was the most ghetto place I had ever seen in my life but I loved it. There was more dogs than humans and every house was constructed of tin and wood. I was stunned by the people there who were so humble and nice. We walked around for 3 hours and made a few street contacts by some uninterested people.
We did eventually get into one house though, which held an awesome family of four who are inactive. I thought Elder LeBaron was gonna have the lesson on lock because he knew the most spanish, but he let me handle mostly all of it which was very humbling and a great learning experience. I shared a couple scriptures and bore my testimony a lot. In the middle of the lesson the father came in, Fernando, who was one of the nicest Peruvians I had ever met. Just how humble he was and how hardworking he was was amazing, I love that family. They were giving us chips the whole lesson too, haha. They commited to coming to try to come to church more, but its hard because Fernando has to work on Sundays. They also wanted their daughter to get baptized which I think will be a big motivator for them to come to church as well!
Elder Wyatt Frost, my good friend from my stake back home came down here to the CCM 2 nights ago, and he IS MY ROOMMATE. Its the best thing ever. He's going to Huancayo and is also super good at espanol so hes leaving the same time as me. Its so refreshing to see someone that I know, and who shares the same respect for the movie Walter Mitty haha. He's awesome. We also have another roomie who is latino, Elder Hurtado who is very spiritually on point, I love it.
Our investigators are doing well and we're improving each day, hopefully. We get spiritual insights every sunday and tuesday from the MTC in Provo that gets broadcasted here as well. In 2 sundays will be General Conference!! Pumped to watch it here with all these elders.
Well I love all of you, may the force be with you this week.
Elder Caldwell.