Wonderful people,
Hi. It has been another week. Here is a scripture I really like.
“Nay, in all these things we a re more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that nei ther death, nor life, nor angel s, nor principalities, nor pow ers, nor things present,nor th ings to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor a ny other creature, shall be abl e to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jes us our Lord.” Romans 8. 37-39
This week has been exhausting. It was the end of transfers, so we had a lot of work. Moving missionaries around, saying goodbye to the old ones going to casa, welcoming the new ones. I really enjoyed it though, a lot of good feelings seeing the new missionaries and the fire they bring to the mission. Every time we have new missionaries we have a little meeting with them, before they meet their trainers and they all share their testimonies. This week as they shared their testimonies, I got the impression, "they really had to work and fight for those." In the mission, testimonies and answers come a little easier as you are living the gospel 24.7. But man, I think of the outside world, and see it everyday, I wonder how we used to do it before the mission, or how people even live the gospel in a crazy world like this. So much respect for you guys back home living the gospel. Keep going.
This week I had some interesting experiences with english! Im the one supposed to help the whole mission learn english, because we have a lot of latino missionaries. Its been not the funnest of my jobs, but some things really stuck out to me this week, to lighten the load. So one late night after sending the old missionaries home, a local member who lives in Chimbote decided to come by and try his hand at the final english exam (if you get a good score, a latino could potentially get into BYU somehow. its a big deal). I wasnt too thrilled to give the test because I was tired, but I went along with it anyway. The test involves using the internet, and our internet that night was the slowest, to the point it wouldnt allow him to finish the test. His name was Nelson. Nelson had brought with him that night his girlfriend. As he was pretty devastated he couldnt finish the test, I looked over and saw his girlfriend to my surprise, praying. arms crossed and head bowed, mouthing words. Then I looked over at Nelson, doing the same thing (relationship goals). I was pretty awed and humbled at the example of these 2 good people. No joke, after they said their prayers, a few minutes later the internet started working, and he passed the test with flying colors. Nelson Pérez is the man.
I'm excited for this week, Elder Uceda, the area president is coming to our mission for a mission tour. He is going to set us in our place hahah. We have to arrange everything for him, so that his tour is good. I'm super stoked to see what insight and counsel he gives the mission. It will be sweet. That also might mean I wont be writing next Saturday, we are going to be busy. but we shall see!!
love you always.
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